Wednesday 14 December 2011

Angela and Giorgia

Hallo my name is Angela. I’m 12 years old and I live in Rumo, a small village near Cles in Northern Italy. I like sports  especially  horseriding ,climbing ,ski and swim. I play the guitar and at school I play the flute.
I have brown hair and grey / blue eyes. 

Hallo!!! My name is Giorgia. I’m 12 years old and I live in Rumo (Northern Italy). I like the animals particulary my dog. Her name is Kyra. I love skiing and swimming, I also like playing  the guitar, I'm attending the musical school.
I have dark blond hair and light blue eyes. I’m slim.


  1. Hi Giorgia Bertolla,

    I am Emma Bot from the Netherlands. And in this mail I will introduce me. My sport is Korfbal and that is Basketball and Handball in one. I am 10 years old. I am born in Australia. I have 1 sister Marit 1 brother Luuk and 2 parents my mother Anne and my father Marcus. I like the music from Adele, Katy Perry and from Rihanna. Here are some questions.

    1. How old are you?

    2. Do you have a sport? Yes? Which?

    3. Do you have Brothers or Sisters?

    4. Which music do you like?

    5. What’s the name of your school?

    I hope to hear something soon.


    Emma Bot

  2. What does slim mean???
